Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last day of 2008...

ya...after today i have to forget you, because i should not always think about you, we are already impossible together again... but i will blessing and wishing you, hope you all the best in 2009, always healthy, do everythings also smooth, have a flying colour result in you must take good care...... {Ricca thank you for accompany me in 2007 till i heard from my friend, if you feel the time past very fast in 2008, then it mean you are very happy in 2008, ya...i feel the time past very fast, i feel 2007 and 2008 is the moment i most happy, but i also believe in future, i will always happy... Thank you for gave me chance to love you last time, i really have learn alot things from you and also about love matter, thank you for fate let me meet you in inti, let me learn how to love a person and take care people...}
Hehehe....after this day, jefferson has to start a new journey, althought the new journey is not that interesting or fascinating, at least got family and friends accompany him pass through,en...after broke with her, baru know, jefferson have alot friends accompany,why...? from afternoon to night have different states of friends cheer him up{send sms and call him...god really sayang him...-.-''}, ya... he is useless, but at least he finally knew that, actually he was alot friends always beside him, only he not really go to find it out....thanks for taylor,kim shun, fatimah, pauline, shashi, johnny, shan hu,hean yoong,mia,yu ping,kar seng, t.loon, cai ling, ah ming, stupid daughter, ah sum, yee ming, wai hong,moon...wah..really alotlah...... because of them i realize somethings, that i never know before, is what...? friends have fill up my timetable and always accompany me when i really lost, they always concern to me...really thanks alot...(",)...i really appreciate for your accompany and support, dont worry, i already let somethings go. Somemore god treat me so nice, dont know why , god let the person i dont know call me and share the love matter with me, the most funny things is i console the gal, at the same time i also like console myself......when i console the little gal, just like a mirror reflect me, then i realize more things, mayb this is call i also have to thanks to god, have gave me a chance to realize somethings about love matter.{a trip of love should be come to end..., because i have to start my dream...i remember why i come back to malaysia, so i also know the way to go back to australia, just like 2years ago, i m single, i also can go back that time, single life with alot friends......hehe}
For family, family really was gave me a tremendous support, my father was change alot for me, he really concern me, everytime come back will come to my room and ask how m i , ask me talk with him and ask me go out with friends, mayb he know that, my friends can help me alot too. My mother really care about me, because that day i argue with her{i so sad, i first time argue with her with serious...} but she still concern to me, because got 1day i cant sleep at midnight about 3am somethings, then she came out from her room and ask me, why i cant sleep, then i told her, i feel i was lost and feel confuse for love, then she scold me{about i already change, not a talkative boy anymore, always stay in room and not happy anymore cant smile...}, and she told me that her heart very pain, because dont know why i change become worst, that time my heart really pain, because first time heard mom said like that, ya...that time i mayb i try to console mom, so i told mom, dont worry one day your son will change back to normal, because now he only at sad mood and you should happy because he will growing up soon, become more mature due to this happening, then chat with mom until 5am somethings, then i go to sleep and lazy dont go to work{hahaha....thanks for ah ming apply unpaid leave for me...}. My eldest sister really care about me, she came back from penang just for brought me go out eat and have fun, always talk to me, she really concern to me, but sister i already oklah, so please dont keep asking me go out with friends...hehe...and dont give me money, i got work. My second sister, en...actually i m not really closed to her, because we always argue, mayb due to that happening, she really concern me, she also do the same things, yes...brought me go out and go to watch movie......keep asking me go out with friends...-.-''. My brother, en...he is the most funny one,....why...??....when i was working, he call to me and talk with me{thankq ah ming to allow me to talk with him everyday...i m consider luckylah...because working also can sms and talk, but now i already dont do it, start concentrate at my work...}, both of us talk alot nonsense, because i know him want me to forget her, so he will say somethings that can encourage me,ya...he also do the same thing...-.-'',give me money and ask me go out hang with friends...adui~...he cant come back accompany me, because he need accompany her gf in australia....haha...blek..., his gf also console me by.......introduce her cousin to me, but i told her, thank you but i m not really want a girl to accompany me right now, let me solve it by myself, i dont want like other guy, just broke with gf, then find a new one to replace his previous gf, then this will become addicted to have a girl friends, i will try to breakthrough my heart feeling, because my heart control my behaviour, not like last time logic control my behaviour, i almost lost myself...lucky have family and friends support me...
last time i always heard that, when somethings lost may have it reason, if have 2 aspect, for bad aspect is i was lost her and the good aspect is i gain my freedom back no need restrict by the promise{hehe..can talk with many girl and send sms with freedom....and alot alot...the most important is my need name is call summerwind,so should be like a wind, just do what i like, should not restrict by promise....}, i realize my family and friends really concern to me and always accompany me there{but this 2 aspects is i think i dont know whether is true ornot...}. I m here to wish my family and friends always healty, all the good luck with them, god always help them, their wish will become true and happy always, blessing them forever.........thanks for my family and friends, i will try to achieve my goal and i will share all my experience with you all in wish you all the best and happy new years...yes,i love you all accompany me in my life...(",)...miracle will always happen in life...
a message for my friends, if one day you fall in love, pleasa thanks for her or him, because give you a chance to love a person, must cherish the love, although love is no insurance, but it is a part of in our life a process of growing up. If one day your lover leave you, please dont feel sad and respect what your lover decide, because mayb you not the person, she or he really want stay together, if you try to save it, i can tell you, it is useless, because in her or his heart already dont have you, it mean only you still love her or him, but the person you love only will try to keep avoid you and may turn to hate you too{mayb friend also cant be...}. ya...mayb your love will change to be hate the person you love, but i have one method to prevent it{it is my own method...}, i will try to recall how nice she treat me and all the sweet memory with her{last time i always told her that, dont too care the result, just enjoy the process enough...i really enjoy the process, it was a nice journey in my life too, just like a train, one day the train will stop at the station, so please prepare well to depart from the train and prepare for get into other train, to start a new journey, because you will realize somethings more interesting in that new journey...}. Please blessing and wishing your lover all the best, because it will blessing and wishing you too, thanks for your lover leave you, because your lover want give you a chance to meet other. Remember, when somethings gone dont blame it, just find a method to solve it, dont hurt people, because it will hurt you back too...this is what i can share with you all...

The love you gave me just likes a meteor,

it scratch my silents night,

my curious have brought me to your side,

Althought the meteor was just shines awhile,

but it touch my heart,

my love was bursts out in that time,

hope can forever accompany that meteor,

but meteor only shines awhile,

so i only can enjoy the moment of the meteor shines in that night,

my heart only can wait for the next meteor scratchs my silent night again...........{this time i will use canon camera snapshoot the meteor,then print out the picture and enjoy it...haha}

Tuesday, December 9, 2008



Wednesday, December 3, 2008



Monday, December 1, 2008



Sunday, November 30, 2008








Saturday, November 29, 2008



Friday, November 28, 2008



Tuesday, November 25, 2008







Monday, November 24, 2008


有一次,佛陀和弟子阿难走在路上,佛陀忽然说:「阿难,有毒蛇啊!」阿难以为真的有毒蛇,探头一看,原来是一堆闪亮白银,但是阿难也回答:「是的,世尊,是毒蛇!」两人视若无睹地走过去了。后面有一对父子,听见佛陀说:「毒蛇!」阿难也回说:「毒蛇!」他们起了好奇心,于是也探头去看个究竟━━「哇!那里是毒蛇?是一饔银光闪闪的白银啊!」这对父子动了心,父亲告诉儿子:「赶快把它搬回家,我们发财了!」于是父子俩高兴地把白银运回家,并且拿到市集去使用。原来,这些白银是窃贼从国库偷出来的,他们暂时藏起银子,想避过风头后再拿出来处理,没想到佛陀和阿难经过该处发现了,又被跟在后头的那对父子取走。在城里,官府已贴出通缉令,要捉拿窃贼。国库的白银上面一定都会印上「国银」二字,那对父子把白银拿到市集使用时,就被认为是偷国库的重犯,因此被逮捕了,甚至被判处死刑押赴刑场。当这对父子即将被处决时,父亲非常慨叹的向儿子说:「儿啊!真的是毒蛇,我们现在已经被毒蛇咬了!」执刑的人听到他们的话觉得奇怪,于是报告国王,国王觉得这些话的寓意很深,绝非一般庄稼人能想得出来的,因此就传令押回,亲自审问之后,才知道整个案情经过。国王明白了他们只是捡拾者而非盗犯,就赦免了那对父子。所谓动心与不动心,端看我们是否起贪念。看到境界而能不动心,对凡夫 来说真的是很困难,像那对父子,看到一大饔白银怎能不动心?而佛陀和阿难看了却当它是毒蛇,不但不动心,而且还避得远远的,这就是凡圣之别啊!凡夫俗子的心境常被外境所动,被现象的变化牵引得团团转而落入境界之中。学佛主要就在调伏自心,使心能自主,来去自如。心为什么会被境界所转?简单的说是因为贪念作崇;━━贪色的人沉溺于男女色欲,轻者引来家庭不和,重者因而家破人亡。贪财的人着迷于金钱追求,轻者引发内心烦恼,重者导致精神失常,甚至倾家荡产━━经常有许多人因为签赌、炒做股票等,在不堪金钱损失或心理压力过大的情况下,造成种种悲剧。俗话说:「色不迷人,人自迷,财不害人,人自害。」一个有智慧的人,会把财、色、名、利等诱惑看得较为淡泊。难得生于人间,难得拥有人身,就应该好好发挥身体功能,造福大众,散播清净大爱,利益人群,此即菩萨的智慧,佛陀的本怀啊!

